ePaper plus ESP32-ADB / designed by Microwavemont ================================================= https://www.tindie.com/products/microwavemont/epaper-plus-esp32-adb/ ePaper display is now with ESP32! ESP32 board with PCM5102A DAC, ICS43434 MEMS Microphone, CP2102N, LiPo charger all in one! What is it? ----------- A kind of ESP32 prototyping board with GDEH0154D27 200x200 ePaper display, PCM5102A High-resolution DAC, ICS43434 MEMS microphone, CP2102 USB-serial interface, and LiPo charger all in one! Why did you make it? -------------------- Lots of implementation of ePaper coding with ESP32 can be found but single board implementation still has not appeared in the market. Wiring takes lots of effort and sometimes they can be some problem of disconnection leading to unstable operation. So, I made this one for very easy and stable operation with ePaper and audio interface. What makes it special? ---------------------- * GDEH0154D27 200x200 ePaper display is connected via SPI bus. * TI's PCM5102A High-resolution DAC is connected via I2S. * TDK ICS-43434 MEMS Microphone is connected via I2S. * Silicon Labs CP2102N, USB-serial interface provides very fast and stable operation. * LiPo control circuit enables stand-alone operation. LiPo circuit can be disabled by jumper selection. * MicroSD card is connected via SPI. * Audio output has 2 ch ohmic volume control for pleasant headphone listening. Sample programs available on GitHub: ------------------------------------ * Simple NTP clock display on ePaper (Arduino environment) https://github.com/kodera2t/SimpleNTPclock_on_ePaper * ePaper demo sample, original by loboris and modified for ePaper plus ESP32-ADB board by kodera2t https://github.com/kodera2t/ESP32_ePaper_example * Webradio on ePaper plus ESP32-ADB supporting ePaper (GDEH0154D27) https://github.com/kodera2t/ESP32_ePaper_webradio * Amazon Alexa (smart speaker) experiment code https://github.com/kodera2t/ESP32_Alexa Video ----- * ESP32 board with ePaper and DAC and MEMS microphone https://youtu.be/qPuOxljrZdI